I went to visit my parents yesterday and had a lovely surprise. Mum had found my Nan’s old button collection and gave me the whole lot! I love the tin, and there are some lovely buttons, some so nice i don’t want to use them.
On the way home I went to visit my other Nan and she gave me some freshly cut lavender. I’ve left some in the car to freshen it up and the rest i’ve hung in my kitchen, the smell this morning was just like the fresh summer air!

Lauren, my Mum and me are only children, but I swear you have my Nana’s button tin there!
I think I stand to inherit at least 4 tins, with some of the buttons dating back to the early 1900’s. My Gran, great aunts and my Mum have always saved buttons off everything that ever got thrown away.
Enjoy your buttons
Mel xx
that is so lovely. Have you seen niftythrity’s ceramic buttons she has made from casts of her favorite buttons?